Somewhere On A Porch In Tenney-Lapham In The Year 2049 — My neighborhood’s community newsletter was looking for some new content so I submitted a little visioning exercise of the future of Madison’s city streets. I took a few street view images, used Google’s Magic Eraser ...
VRAIL Chapters 1 & 2 — This novel has been a long time coming, but I've finally finished my THIRD rewrite. But I feel it's well worth it. It finally fuses my love of psychological thriller, solarpunk sci-fi, and mystical fantasy ...
On the emergence of post-speculative fiction — I just ran a work of speculative fiction through a piece of artificial intelligence software that once would have been called speculative. I'm realizing that we very well might be reaching a new era of ...
analyzing — Why do written works of fiction ever have to be finished? What if the story's growth was part of the story itself? My first real work of fiction is finished. But I wonder if my ...
Gmail Auto-Responder for AI Robot Party Game — I'm a big fan of immersive social games! Last fall, I built an escape room for the engineering social at my company. For the three prior organizations I've worked for, I've also run a social ...
Experiential Puzzle Narrative — I recently completed a long-time dream of building my own experiential puzzle narrative, also known as an escape room. I ran it as an engineering social (not this) at my current place of employment, Color. ...
Skylight Chapters 3 & 4 — Another two chapters from my novel. Click here to read the first two chapters. ...
Skylight Chapters 1 & 2 — I've been working on a novel for what feels like a really long time. I usually don't like to let projects drag on like this so I'm gonna start releasing bits to keep me moving. ...
The Stedden Constitution — Epistemic status: Strongly convinced of personal utility, haven't fully considered all ramifications of broader adoption. In order that we might form a more perfect union, we aim to adopt this constitution as a set of ...
Theseus and the Cell (a PhD dissertation story) — Epistemic status: High confidence in technical validity of model, low confidence in biological applications. The main reason I haven't been very active on this blog for the past year is that I've been finishing up ...